Wow, the last few weeks have been out of control busy. I have been very bad about updating my blog so I will fill you in and promise to keep updating weekly. J Since I last blogged, a lot has happened. Luckily, I haven’t had any morning sickness (to my knowledge, I figured I would know when it happened). I have had some stomach problems and a little bit of cramping. It makes me nervous I haven’t got sick yet because that shows a healthy sign and less chance of miscarriage. I do feel sick when I eat dairy products. I have pretty much sworn off yogurt. I was eating it every morning to get in my calcium but it just isn’t working out any more. I am having a hard time eating my cheese sticks too. I have an APP on my phone that tells me what nutrients I need throughout the day, so I keep track of my eating.
Week 5
Major developments: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm (the layers that will develop organs)
Size of baby: Sesame Seed
This week I started tracking my eating on a blog on my phone. It tells me how many types of food I need and how many I have already had. Nothing too exciting this week. Just lots of trips to the restroom to pee and soreness in my body.
Week 6
Major developments: nose, mouth, ears, and arm & leg buds
Size of baby: Lentil Bean
Week 6 was an extremely busy week. Our tiny developing speck attended 2 concerts and a bachelorette party. I was really nervous at first at the concerts. I was very cautious in making sure that no one bumped me. Megan accidentally found out about me being preggers because she saw my pregnancy journal in my room. She was dancing around my house like a crazy person. We also toured the hospitals this week.
Mercy Gilbert

Mercy Gilbert was the first one we went to. Originally, it was our hospital of choice before we found out my doctor doesn’t deliver there. It is a catholic hospital and is beautiful on the outside. This is the hospital that my dad went to when he broke his leg and also the hospital that my mom went to when she had appendicitis. We feel very comfortable at this hospital because we have already spent so much time here. The other thing I like about his hospital is that it feels homey. The halls are wide and they use a soft color scheme rather than stark white hospital walls. My Grandma Frandsen would like this hospital because most of the rooms are purple. J This hospital does not allow children under 13 in, so that is something to consider because my brother Tyson is only 11 (12 when the baby is born). Another thing that was neat about this hospital is they allow water deliveries. They also have senior citizens that volunteer and bring you treats after delivery. They play a song throughout the whole hospital when a baby is born. The room I would deliver in is huge, but the room I am moved to after is quite small. I assume that I will have quite a few visitors, so this is something to consider. For some reason, after finishing our tour, we weren’t as impressed as we thought we would be. We did like the hospital though.
Banner Gateway
Banner Gateway was the second hospital we toured. Our doctor delivers at this hospital. We found that the main lobby of the hospital was very spacious and beautiful; however, the waiting room for delivery was very small. We were also put off by the crowd a little bit. I mean, it’s not like I’ll be seeing them since I will be in labor, but still, odd bunch. This hospital has a Japanese soaking tub for ladies in labor as well as a walking garden outside. I don’t know how useful the garden will be as it will be hot in June, but it was still very nice. We felt that this hospital was very modern and updated. We also felt like this was more like a hospital setting where there are tight corridors and everything looks sterile. This hospital had nice room service though. The delivery room was about the same size as at mercy but the room after delivery for visitors was larger than mercy. Also, this hospital allows children 12 and younger to visit me.
After touring both hospitals, we were very un-decided on which one we liked better. We really like our doctor so I feel like we are supposed to like Banner Gateway better but we are still more familiar with Mercy Gilbert. Both hospitals don’t use nurseries like in the old days. I remember being able to look at all the little babies through the window. Apparently that is a thing of the past. In both hospitals, the baby will stay with me at all times. Both hospitals allow 3 people to be in the room at delivery. This is something that surprised me too. I remember sisters and cousins being born with more than 3 people in the room. I hope that you can switch out people throughout labor, because I would hate to have to choose only 3 people.
Week 7 (this week gets a little personal, I apologize in advance)
Major Developments: hands and feet are emerging from arm & leg buds, baby has a tail, eyelids, brain development, & lots and lots of veins
Size of baby: Blueberry

This is the week Eric and I had been waiting for. This is the week of the ultrasound. I was scheduled for a 7:20 am ultrasound on November 11th. I was instructed not to empty my bladder and to drink 32 oz of water. They also mentioned to have all this consumed an hour before the appointment. Ok, so I wake up at 6 in the morning, skip my morning pee, and fill up a measuring cup to 32 oz. That is four measuring cups full of water. Against my will, I drink nearly the whole thing. (Mind you I am water’s biggest fan). My bladder is near explosion at this point. I get back in bed and lay in agony waiting for the alarm to go off. On the way to the doctor, I have my pants un-buttoned and I am literally in tears. Poor Eric is ready to drop me off on the side of the freeway for being such a baby. I had never had to pee that bad in my life, it was so painful. I’m sitting in the waiting room sweating to death because I’m getting so worked up. They finally call me up to the room after what seems like years (it was really only a few minutes). I get on the table like I am 9 months pregnant. The ultrasound technician says, “Is your bladder really full?”….. just maybe. She lathers me up in that jelly stuff and I warn her I might end up peeing my pants. She couldn’t see a think. The whole screen was black. At this point I tell her I haven’t used the bathroom this morning and I drank all the water. SHE TELLS ME I COULD HAVE EMPTIED MY BLADDER WHEN I WOKE UP!!! Man! So she has me empty it half way and come back in. Finally I feel somewhat better. We can finally see the baby too. It was so cool. It took her a while to find it but there the little blob was, right on the screen in front of us. She showed all of the different things that were developing in my belly. We heard the heartbeat for the first time, which was 150 beats a minute. It was so loud; I couldn’t believe a tiny little thing would have such a strong heart beat. We could also see the flicker of the heart beat on the screen which was crazy too. The baby looked like a miniature eggplant. We were informed that our baby was developing right on track. She also discovered that I was actually a day less pregnant than they thought I was but they decided not to change the due date yet. (So this means baby might not share a birthday with my cousin Emily if it is on time. Maybe it will share with my cousin Rachel) After the ultrasound, they had us wait for the doctor to come in. This is when my pregnancy hormones went into overdrive. I became an emotional wreck. I think I was just excited and nervous all at the same time.
Informing the Thomas Clan
We had planned on telling my parents about the pregnancy after we got the ultrasound. I made the cutest frame to put the ultrasound picture in. We had to help our friends with some wedding stuff and then head on down to my parent’s house. The whole way there I was so nervous. I was thinking that my mom would have a mid-life crisis when we told her because she always tells me she’s not ready to have grandkids because she’s too young. I knew my dad would be excited. They had no clue what was coming so we were really excited to see the reactions. Zach recorded the reactions as they opened the present. My dad stopped half way when he saw the picture and just stands there. My mom is like what is it, ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!! They were so excited. Bre was just standing around like what just happened. Megan was peeing her pants. It was hilarious. I will be doing the same thing to my Grandparents Frandsen on Thanksgiving. We can’t wait to hear that reaction.
Week 8
Major Developments: Webbed fingers and toes, breathing tubes, tail is almost gone, neural pathways in brain
Size of baby: Kidney Bean

Week 8 was another busy busy week. Our tiny speck attended its first wedding. Our friends Aaron and Diana were maried on 11/19/11. Eric and I were both part of the bridal party. Thursday we went shopping for wedding gifts with our friend Devon. We had dinner at PF Changs, which baby LOVED. We ate like kings at a Thanksgiving Feast. We went to the rehersal dinner on Friday and stuffed our faces big time. The dinner was held at Maggianos Italian resturant. I had to skip out on the cesar salad, much to my dismay. (This list of things I can’t eat while pregnant is killing me. Like Feta Cheese?! COME ON!) For some reason, all of the pasta tasted awful to me, and most of it was some of my favorite like Lasagna & Gnochhi. I think its baby. He/she wasn’t digging the cheese and tomato sauce. I was so dissapointed. Saturday was super busy. We woke up early, got everything ready, and picked up Devon. I got ready at the wedding venue while waiting for the bride. The wedding coordinator needed help setting up the reception area so I went to help. I had to be back at a certain time for Megan to take pictures of the bridal party so I was running around like crazy. I guess I forgot I was pregnant because my body was hating me an hour or so later. I shouldn’t have been rushing around so much. I was very very very hungry by time the dinner started. I forgot to bring any snacks, like an idiot. We had so much fun dancing at the reception. I got a little worried I was dancing too much so I sat out on a few songs here and there. The doctor said I need to keep my heart rate under 140 when exercising, which is really hard to do. I am still nervous about pushing myself too hard, so I felt a little guilty for enjoying the dance floor so much. After the wedding I was sooo tired. My body has been having a hard time keeping up with my usual activities. The drive home was brutal!!!!