Size of baby:
1 ½ inches long. About the size of a fig
Major Developments:
Hands will open and close soon, tooth buds appear under gums, bones are beginning to harden, & hiccups (how cute)!
During week 11 I had my monthly doctor’s appointment. Doctor Richardson is out on maternity leave so we were set up with the doctor who delivers at Mercy Gilbert, which originally was our hospital of choice. There are only 2 doctors in that office that deliver at Mercy. One is from Russia and one is from India… that makes me nervous. We were super excited to go to the appointment so we could meet this other doctor so we could see if we would want to change over. As I’m sitting in the waiting room I saw a lady that looked like the Russian doctor….and she was pregnant. Her name has escaped my memory. I was hoping it wasn’t her but when they took us back to the room, I found out it was her. Is every OBGYN under the sun pregnant?!!! What are the odds of both our potential doctors are knocked up? I guess its better they are pregnant earlier rather than farther along in my own pregnancy. So the Russian doctor was very hard to understand. She was also very soft spoken. During the visit, she asked me some questions and I gave her my usual list of questions. Turns out the feeling faint thing is common in pregnancy and is only going to get worse for me. Great! I also confirmed I should not eat salami. I am totally wanting a delicious sandwich from the Olive Mill in Queen Creek. L Ugh. Eric and I quickly decided after the appointment that we did not want her. We were laughing that she would softly be saying “push Kayla” and I’d be in a fit of pregnancy rage screaming “I can’t hear nor understand you!!!”. For some reason we really like Doctor Richardson, but are just unsure if we want to deliver at Banner Gateway. We think that Doctor Richardson is going to be super supportive and really on top of things. She seems like the type of lady who gets stuff done! My next appointment is at the beginning of January. I should be able to find out the sex of the baby at 18-21 weeks, which Doctor Richardson should be back for I think. That will put my next ultrasound at about the 2nd week of February. Man….. I’m not going to make it that long. I really want to know what kind of baby we are cooking up here!!
Saturday was an overwhelming and fun day. Megan and I had some Christmas shopping to do. We also went to Babys R Us. I want to keep Megan as involved in this pregnancy as possible so we went browsing, although it is super early. The rude thing will be moving to Portland in a few weeks. I was hoping to have my crib picked out or something so she can be there for that but I just don’t know how far in advance to do these things. So the minute we walked into the store I went into panic mode. There is soooo much stuff we need. We looked at nearly everything in the store. Before getting pregnant I had thought I had put everything I needed into my baby budget (which is very detailed). I was wrong. Man this child is going to break the bank!! I am starting to realize that we are going to outgrow our current house as soon as this little creaton gets here. The top thing on my list was to look at cribs. OMG they are all soo cute. I don’t know how I’m going to decide. I really like the white cribs a lot. The one below is my favorite. There are others too that I am eyeing. We spent a good amount of time just looking at all the cute clothes! That has to be the best part of shopping. I kept trying to look at both boy & girl clothes, even though all of the girl clothes are much cuter. There are so many shoes for baby girls. I love love love shoes, so that could get dangerous. I really hope we get a girl, but I need to start prepping myself, just in case we have a boy.
Towards the end of week 11, I started noticing that things taste different. Twice this week, things that shouldn’t taste like black licorice did. Gross!! I read online that that is part of my changing hormones. I haven’t gained more than 3-4 pounds. Now that I am entering my 2nd trimmest I am supposed to gain a pound a week. Oh, and my last post about my supposed baby bump: it really could be a baby bump. I was reading that the baby will start to rise up to my stomach because my parts don’t fit were they are supposed to anymore. I’m really interested to see how this all turns out.
Wish me luck in my 2nd Trimester!
You don't really NEED all the stuff at the stores. Just get the basics and start there. Check out consignment stores as well. Baby stuff doesn't wear out that fast. Good luck! :)