Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week 14

Size of baby: Lemon
 Major Developments: Baby can squint, from, grimace, pee, and suck on thumb. Baby now has fine hair all over the body that keep it protected.

Week 14 has come to an end.  I am feeling good but very very sleepy. I had another near passing out spell at Joanns when shopping for fabric. Drives me crazy!! Our little creature tagged along to a new years eve party at our friends house. I didn't know how I was going to make it through the night because I've been going to bed around 9 or 10. I made it to 4:30 am. I was exhausted. I slept for 13 hours the next day.
People are starting to notice my little belly at work. Like I've said before, I'm ready for my full on bump. I probably won't be saying that when I have to carry it around. 

Today I got some pregnancy humor from an article a friend sent me.Pretty funny. It was about a lady debating whether to have another kid or not. Here are some of her pros & cons. She had a lot more cons than pros... what's wrong with this picture... what am I setting myself up for???

  • CON: Every time I do a jumping jack at the gym, I pee a little.
  • PRO: Once I'm pregnant, I can eat what I want because I'm going to get fat anyways. My pet saying as a prego? "Quarter Pounder with Cheese Combo, six nuggets on the side and an apple pie, si vous NOWWWW."
  •  CON: Yes, breastfeeding deflated my boobs and now I have to wear a super-duper push-up bra just to keep the suckers out of my pockets. This can only get worse.
  • CON: First trimester nausea. Once, on my way to work, I threw up in my hat.
  • PRO: Kids keep us young as they see the magic of the world and discover it for the first time. My boobs may sag, but my spirit will soar.

I saw something else interesting today. A fellow blogger posted a picture of a 3d Ultrasound at 14 weeks. This is what my little creature looks like. Unfortunately this isn't my own creature, just someone else. Kind of cool but creepy at the same time. I don't know if I will get a 3D ultrasound. I got an coupon offer for one in the mail. I'm not sure if my doctor's office does them. I will probably find out about my next ultrasound when I go to the doctor on the 13th....tick tock. I'm antsy.

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