Thursday, May 31, 2012

Week 35

Major Developments: The kidney's are fully developed & the liver can process some waste products. Basic physical development is mostly complete, baby just has to work on fattening up. My uterus is now reaching to my ribs
Size of baby: Weight of honeydew mellon and over 18 inches long.

Week 35 gave the Silva's a long weekend due to memorial day. It was nice to have an extra day off from work.

We had planned on taking Eric's dad to the Grand Canyon on Saturday. For some reason, Friday I was absolutely exhausted so I fell asleep at about 9 pm. wow.... what a loser. he he. Saturday we woke up bright and early, picked up Tulilo, and went to breakfast before heading up to the canyon. I made up a lot sleep on the way up and the way back. For some strange reason, we had a cold front come into town. That meant that Phoenix was about mid 80's and the Grand Canyon was about 60. Eric and Tulio were freezing. I was in a tank top and comfortable for a bit. I eventually put on a light jacket but was not cold at all. I was the only idiot in a tank top. These baby sure is keeping me warm. I'm really happy that it wasn't hot. I wouldn't have made it through the trip if it was above 90. We walked around, saw the canyon, and then headed back home. It was a long day, but baby got to visit one of the 7 wonders of the world. Here he is:

Sunday I had dedicated to sewing diaper covers. I ended up going to lunch with Megan and spending quite a while there. We kept talking about our little baby Grayson and all the cool things that were going to be happening. She said maybe the next lunch date we have will be with the little baby. Eeek! I can't believe we are getting so close! After lunch I went home to do my diaper covers. I spent a lot of time planning how to best use my fabric. I had already started a bit on a cover so I thought I had a head start. WRONG! I went through all of the steps on my tutorial. I thought it was looking good until I was just about finished.

I got the dumb thing sewn together and looked at it thinking it looked way too wide!! Something was also wrong with the inside. I felt like I could wear it. My snaps were covered which was preventing me from fastening them. I was getting extremely frustrated trying to figure out where I went wrong. Eric was trying to calm me down but it just wasn't helping. Finally before going to bed I tried to research where to buy a diaper cover in store so I could compare. There was only one store in the great state of AZ that I could find that had that had them physically in the store. I was so sad because I wouldn't be able to go until Tuesday due to the holiday. I went to bed in tears. Those dang hormones make me so incredibly mad that I just burst into tears. Half because I'm so pissed and half because I'm mad that I'm so pissed. It seems the only way to get rid of the fury is to cry. These hormones are an awful awful thing.

I decided I was not going to ruin my Monday holiday so I didn't work on my diapers. We had some friends over for a pool party/bbq. I have been dying to go swimming to see how it feels preggers. I kept joking to take bets on if I would float or sink. Much to my dismay, I did not float. I was nervous to swim around too much just in case I did something to bother the baby. Thank goodness my community has bathrooms at the swimming pool. I had to pee soooo bad while I was in the pool. It was ridiculous how many times I had to get out to use the bathroom. I'm not too sure what that was about. Over all it was a nice day away from the office!!

Tuesday I went to the diaper store after work, which is called Zoolikins. This place was absolutely heavenly. The owner of the shop gave me and a few other girls a complete tutorial on everything and anything we would even need to know about cloth diapers. She was marvelous. I wish I had found the store earlier because I would have saved myself a lot of frustration while searching online for the diapering method that best fit my needs. She had a million different types of diaper covers and accessories. She also helped me out with picking out detergent. She knew I was a sew from home mom so she gave me a lot of advice on what I would want in my diaper covers. She had a diaper that looked just like mine at home but I actually wanted to buy a diaper cover with leg gussets. These little things help from having blow outs. I actually found out that there are less blow outs with cloth diapers than disposables. Interesting! I walked away from the store feeling 100 times more educated. This lady made it seem way more sane that I could ever rationalize it. Apparently, cloth diapering mothers are referred to as granola mothers. I don't know if this is a way of just calling us hippies. I wish that every person who has ever had something negative to say to me about cloth diapers could have been with me. People really need to be educated on the way things are done now with cloth diapering. I feel like so many more people would be open to the idea. They even have these little biodegradable linners that look like wipes that can be put in a cloth diaper and flushed for those who are still hanging on to the whole disposable thing. There are lots of gadgets to help with cleaning and such. Its just such a wonderful thing. I'm sure all you cloth diaper haters are still thinking, "Just wait until you get into this Kayla, you are going to hate it". I really don't think I will. This is something that I am so passionate about that even if it was a pain, I would still continue it. I will not contribute to the landfill crisis going on these days. Especially when it means each diaper I throw away will sit there for 500 years. Not going to happen. I just wish people were more positive about my little adventure. I'm sorry to say it, but I'm getting sick of the negative comments!! Arrrrg!!! I will cloth diaper and smile through the whole thing knowing I made a very small difference.

So this is the cover I bought:
and these are the lovely leg gussets I want to add to my diapers:
By time I got home, I had figured out what I did wrong with the width and snaps. My diaper was wider than the one I bought so I had a reference of how small it should be. These diapers are adjustable with the snaps so that they can be worn as newborns through the toddler years. I was concerned with mine being to big for an infant. I took mine apart and re-sewed. I guessed around with the sizing on the leg gussets. The elastic I used was not working out very well which was frustrating me to no end. I ended up in the same position I was in on Sunday night. In tears. I had solved most of the problems but couldn't get the dang gusset thing down. I gave up for the night. Defeated. Ugh.

Wednesday, I had a doctors appointment bright and early. We had to make this one a quick one because Eric had a class to take at 9 for work. Dr. Guzman noticed that I wasn't quite as chipper as I usually am. I told him I've been having major hormone problems. Of course, he said this is normal but I don't get a free pass to be a brat either. hehe. Silly guy. I told him that Eric keeps asking why I'm so grumpy. Silly question to ask a preggers right? Guzman agreed. He started listing off a whole series of problems I'm probably having that just might be contributing to my foul moods. Poor Eric. I know he's sympathetic but men will never fully understand. I wish they could experience this whole thing too. No offense Eric :) Everything is seeming healthy. He checked to see that the baby was still head down, which he is. Next week, he might order an ultrasound just to verify. Cross our fingers he does. I want to see baby. I asked how soon after my due date he'll induce me if I go over. I though you could just pick a date but I guess I have to be a certain percent effaced, which basically is the ripening of my cervix. Booo. I wanted to pick a date. Well kinda. It is convenient for getting family here in time but I don't know if I could deal with the anxiety of knowing when baby was coming. I think I'd rather be surprised. I can't imagine how sleepless and anxious I would be the night before knowing I was being induced. I have a feeling I will go over my date and have to be induced. I guess we'll see right? I have weekly appointments from here on out. Hopefully we'll get a little more info each week. 

Eric also had his final gallstone procedure done on Wed. He had the remaining stones that were outside the gallbladder removed through an endoscopy. It was about a 45 min procedure. Man, he was so dang drugged up. It was pretty funny. He was also like a broken record with the question asking. Those nurses in recovery must be very patient people!! He is happy to be done, and so am I. Poor guy has lost so much weight during this whole process. He's going to blow away in the wind. Aren't men supposed to gain sympathy weight? Rude guy! 
Pre surgery:
 The very obvious post surgery haze:

While Eric was in surgery I ran over to Joann's because I had a breakthrough. I decided the elastic I was using was way too stiff for my diapers. I bought some fold over elastic, which saved my life. I took my whole diaper apart and sewed with the fold over elastic. Presto - the leg gussets work and so do the leg openings. The width looks pretty good too. Now that I have everything in order, I can start busting those things out. I was so relieved. I was so proud! Ahhhhh. It was amazing. This is my diaper cover. Its not a good picture and it looks all rumply, but it is very similar to the diaper cover I bought from Zoolikins. No more tears over the diapers!!!
I think that nesting is starting to kick in a little. I have been wanting to clean things a lot lately. I did some cleaning over the weekend but not nearly as much as I want to. I can't wait until I can clean, post pregnancy. I would love to scrub every surface in this house. Its a freaking mess! My room looks like a dang war zone. It is serving as my sewing room so it is a disaster in there. I'm going crazy. My tile is filthy. It doesn't matter how many times I mop, that dang grout still looks nasty. I despise tile with a fiery hatred. I've been dying to clean my doors and floor boards, which I usually do every month. I haven't been able to do that for a couple months because of the bending. The last time I did it, I nearly slept for a century. A lot of the monthly cleaning things I do get done when Eric is away from the house because of his allergies. The minute I start cleaning he starts to have an allergy attack. So there are only a few days a month that I can get my deep cleaning items done. The poor house hasn't been dusted for a while either, which is a total no-no when Eric is home. I just want to clean!!! I just want a clean house!! I just want my sewing projects to stop taking over the house!!

Something else I have noticed is that it would be really awesome to have a belly cut out at my work desk. That straight desk is really starting to get in the way of my belly. He he. Yes, Boss, I'd like the maternity desk. Pronto. Silly!

I'm still feeling pretty good other than the hormones. They are seriously out of hand. I get so angry at everything. Especially when I am hot, which is always. I burst into tears at my desk today. It was pathetic. I was feeling discouraged because a lot of people are declining for the shower Megan and Bre are throwing. I couldn't control it. Usually, I would just brush it off but the hormones are taking over here too. Eric kept saying well we've already gotten enough gifts, don't worry about it. Again, male brain does not process pregnancy hormones. I could cry at the death of a fly at this point. I'm so dang emotinal.  I'm also starting to have Braxton Hicks contractions that are actually noticeable now. My belly gets all hard and and I get a lot of pressure. I have only had two that were actually painful. They only lasted for 30 seconds but took my breath away. Very interesting. I was telling my cube partner that I feel lucky to only having small problems like hormones, not being able to sleep, and being hot. Thank goodness that is the extent of my pregnancy discomfort.

Now that week 35 is over, we are entering the 4 weeks away zone. This little baby will be here before we know it. I cannot wait. I'm scared but excited at the same time. I have been having some pretty awful and disturbing dreams about labor. I guess I'm really nervous about that. I just can't believe I'll be in that hospital bed with a little tiny baby in 4 weeks. Its going to be amazing. As a closing note, I got baby Grayson a little gift that should be a hint for him. This shirt tells him when I want him here. BEFORE THE 4TH OF JULY. That little guy better get here before then!! He has to wear this little shirt!
You hear that Grayson? Before the 4th!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Weeks 33 & 34

Week 33
Major Developments: Skeleton is hardening, except for bones in the skull. Baby should gain another half pound per week until he arrives.
Size of Baby: Weight of Pineapple

I’m really bad. I didn’t blog last week. I had a crazy busy week. I was prepping all week for my big weekend of pictures.

Before I get ahead of myself, let me back track. The Saturday before Mother’s Day I had planned on cranking out a lot of my crafts for the nursery. I was slightly distracted. Bre and I went to her work to buy little baby Silva some shoes for the upcoming photo shoot. We went a little crazy…… I ended up buying 4 pairs and Bre bought one pair. Bre works at a consignment store for babies and they sell really nice high quality stuff. A lot of it is major name brand. We got the cutest baby gap “Birkenstocks”. The intent of this shopping trip was to get a pair of shoes that are similar to hightop converse chucks, which is what Eric wears. We wanted to take a picture of his shoes and the baby shoes. We found some that were similar along with the others I couldn’t resist buying. Baby shoes are just so dang cute. Shoes are one of my weaknesses. I love them to death. My poor baby is going to have shoes coming out of his ears, just like mommy.

I was also distracted that day by a peach picking festival at Schnepf Farms. Eric, Bre, and I went to the farm to get fresh peaches right off of the tree. Man was it hot. I’m telling you, peach picking is not for preggers. I was sweating to death. I spent most of the time there drinking water rather than doing the actual picking. Bre and Eric took care of that part. Baby and I were disappointed that we had picked off of a tree that was full of unripe peaches. We had to wait a few days to eat them. Once the peaches ripened, baby and I devoured them. Tasty tasty! It was worth the sweat storm after all! Here are my little peach pickers:

And here is my little "piggy":
Mother’s day fell during week 33. Eric and I did not celebrate. I had decided since baby isn’t officially here yet, that I’m not officially a mother. I mean I guess I am, but not in the usual sense. We’ll celebrate next year. A lady at work joked that I better not have the baby before father’s day so that Eric doesn’t get an extra holiday - funny lady. Other people thought that I should be celebrating. Megan and Amy both sent me cards for my “first” mother’s day. How cute of them. Amy also sent me a super cute scarf, which I planned to wear in my maternity shots. I really do have the best family ever.

 For mother’s day, my family went to a diamondbacks game. My mom loves baseball. This was baby’s first game. Walking to the stadium from our parking was hot!! Again, I was sweating to death. Luckily, I wore a dress so I had a little more of a breeze on my sweaty legs. I swear, I don’t think I have ever sweated this much in my life. And it’s not even full blown summer yet. It’s only around 100 right now. They handed out little guitar fans at the door. Eric and Bre were being funny and fanning the baby as we walked to our seats. I think I spent half of the game gnawing on any snack I could find. Baby would do lots of kicks when there was a lot of cheering. It was funny. Maybe he’ll like baseball when he’s bigger. We’ll see. My mom will probably school him on all things diamondbacks. It was a fun game.Here is my little bump at the game:

Sunday night, I made fortune cookies from scratch for our name reveal party. I could hardly wait to get them out. We were waiting for Megan’s arrival to announce the name.  She finally got home Monday night. We were waiting for Bre to get off work before going over. Poor Eric had something similar to a gallbladder attack. He had the surgery to have the stones removed but he has some other things that have to be taken out too. We almost didn’t go over to my parent’s house to announce the name. I was really worried and thought he needed to go to the hospital. Eric is a very stubborn guy. I hope baby isn’t stubborn about going to the doctor like his daddy is. Ugh! Anyways, we went to my mom’s house to announce the name and brought Eric’s dad with us. My mom has been a real pest about the names we were deciding on. Hehe. No offense mom. She really did not like one of our top two names – Ollivander. We decided to play a little trick on everyone when the fortune cookies were opened. We put in all of the names that we had seriously considered and put the winning name in red. The funny part of it was when my mom opened her cookie, her fortune said Ollivander Yorke. She says, “Seriously?!!!!” What if we really had chosen that name? I wonder what she would have done. We should have just to be brats. Hehe. Anyways… Tyson got the fortune cookie with the right name in it. The name inside was….. drum roll please….. Grayson Yorke Silva. Everyone was happy with the choice. We were so relieved to have a name finalized! That was what I needed to have so I could finish all of my nursery decorations.

 Megan came over the next day to do nursery crafts. We planned to make the name décor for the room. After shopping for everything we needed, we stopped at Tyson’s band concert. While I was sitting there I was thinking to myself, wow, one day I’ll be one of these parents in here watching their little kids. Crazy!!! We got the name décor done, which we were really happy about. It is going to be hung over the crib. There will be more pictures to come once Megan finishes up my maternity pictures.

Week 34

Major Developments: Fat layers are filling out, which will help regulate the baby’s body temperature.  Central nervous system is maturing as well as the lungs. Baby is to point where he will have little to no health problems if born premature!

Size of baby: Weight of average Cantaloupe and around 18 inches long.


Week 34 was another super busy week.

Every day this week I worked on one nursery project or another. There was no time for rest. Megan and Bre came over to help with projects as well. Megan made a super cute banner for the Maternity pictures with Grayson’s name on it.

We had a doctor’s appointment on wed. No ultrasound this time, unfortunately. The doctor said I probably won’t need another ultrasound unless they need to check something. That means I won’t see little baby Grayson until he comes! Ugh! That is a long time to wait. I asked my doctor why I hadn’t been gaining weight and if it is ok. He said that it just means that I am really healthy. I am only putting on lean weight and the baby is gaining healthy weight. To put it in a PG version, he said that just means I have a lot more people calling me names after I deliver, in regards to my weight. He is just hilarious. I hope he is right. Who wouldn’t hope for a quick rebound after delivery? Dr. Guzman always gives us way more information than we can possibly process, but he is funny about it. I asked him what his opinions are on early induction. He doesn’t usually induce early unless there is a problem that puts the baby and me at risk. So he is planning on having me go through all 40 weeks. He did say that he will induce after 40 weeks though. I don’t think I will go early naturally. I have read so much about your first baby being over its due date. People are convinced that I will go early but I am convinced I’ll be late. If I am late, and I can choose to be induced maybe I could choose the date too. Maybe I can choose July 1st and baby and I can be a month apart. The doctor told us we need to make sure the nurses know that we only want “Guzman’s hands on our child”. Funny guy. We haven’t told him we are naming the baby Grayson yet. I think its going to go straight to his silly head because that is his name. We’ll see.

We also signed up for birthing classes and a breast feeding class. I think that will help me a lot with my anxieties about delivery. Either that or make it worse. I just hope my hormones are under control that day. I don’t want to go home a crying mess. The birthing class is a full day – 8:30 to 4:30. They had classes that were split up but they ran into my due date, which wasn’t going to work. I have been thinking more about the whole epidural thing lately. It really scares me. Dr. Guzman says it does not affect the baby at all. I’m just nervous about getting the actual epidural. I watched some on youtube and it scared me to death. I started crying my eyes out because I was telling Eric I was really worried that I’m not strong enough to deliver a baby. I wish I could do it without an epidural, so I could skip over the whole needle part, I just don’t think I am brave enough to go without medicine. I have never been through anything too painful before so I have no clue what my tolerance for pain is. I have heard from several people now that you are so numb when you have an epidural that you don’t even feel the baby coming out. I thought that even with an epidural you’d feel some pain, which I was ok with. I don’t know if I want to be completely numb but I don’t know if I can handle how painful it must be. Most women that I talk to that have done it both ways say go with the epidural. Who knows…. I’m going to see what kind of information I get in the birthing class and then make a decision about it. I’m really excited about my breastfeeding class. I have so many questions about that and I am really clueless on the whole topic. My aunt Amy was the only one I was around who nursed so I just don’t have a clue. I really need to be schooled on that.

Eric works with a bunch of women in his department. He is the only guy in the whole thing. The girls he works with are super sweet. They threw him a surprise shower. It didn’t turn out to be too much of a surprise because he knew about it. 2 of his managers had it on their email calendars, which he has access to. He thought the shower was for me, so it was slightly surprising for him. These girls went totally crazy. Everything was decorated so cute! They did a yellow and gray theme, just like our nursery. Everything was covered in owls too. They know that I love owls. I think Eric also may have told them the nursery is owl themed. It’s not really owl themed…. The owls just sort of made their way in there. Don’t ask me how. Everyone brought a dish, and man was there some tasty things to eat. One girl brought the most delicious banana pudding. It was adorable too. Here is the recipe she used. It is to die for!!
We played a measurement game. There were about 20 or more people at the shower so there were lots of people all up in my business measuring me after they had guessed. It was funny to see what people perceived to be my measurements. One lady was almost completely on! I couldn’t believe it. I guess she’s been checking my baby bump out in the halls. Just kidding. He he. They had planned more games but we ran out of time for them unfortunately. We were all too busy socializing during our lunch.  When they had the present opening, Eric though he could pass that off on me. Nope, I told him it was his shower, he had to open all of the presents. They went absolutely nuts. I was overwhelmed by their generosity. They gave us a car seat and the pack and play off of our registry. That in its self was overboard. They also gave us all kinds of outfits, socks, hats, and anything cute in the store. I couldn’t believe it.  A lot of other people gave us gift cards and clothes. I just couldn’t get over how nice everyone was to us. We are going to be set by time this baby comes. It’s crazy.

My department had a little baby shower for me as well on Friday. This one was supposed to be a surprise as well but someone spilled the beans to me. My friend Michael in my department got me the absolute cutest cake I have seen in my life. It was insane. It was this super cute owl cake that said Grayson Yorke Silva on it. It was prettier than my wedding cake for crying out loud. I hardly wanted to cut it! Everyone was super nice in this shower too. My department ended up getting me the pack and pay on my registry too. I think both departments went shopping on the same day. We played a measurements game in this shower as well. We got lots of cute cloths and baby bath stuff. This baby is going to smell dang good! He got lots of butt cream as well. He he.

After work the day of my shower I went with a friend to a ladies house who does a scrap book club. She wanted to tell us about her products and we also made a card. While I was there, I was having the strangest feelings. I had so much pressure in my hips. My stomach was hard as a rock too. I’m wondering if I was having Braxton hicks. I am having a really hard time telling the difference from a Braxton Hicks contraction and the baby making a lump on my belly. This night was something totally different too. It was on and off again for about 2 hours. When I got home I ended up staying up until 2 am working on the nursery. I made the absolute cutest clothes dividers for the closet. I’m in love!!! I was also really impressed with myself that I had stayed up so late!

The day of the maternity shoot was totally exhausting. We woke up early to get all of the errands done and finish up any crafts. Megan came over and helped too. I worked on all of my projects until we started the shoot. The room is finally done, excluding one pillow back that still needs to go on. The pictures went fabulously. We did some cool bump pictures in my room. Some bare, some covered. I put on some pre-pregnancy jeans in these pictures. I knew I wouldn't be able to button them but I was nervous to see if I could pull them up. They still fit!! Of course excluding the zipping and buttoning. They were a little tighter than usual so that does confirm I've gained slightly in my legs and butt. Wooo. We made a bunch of props for the pictures too. We ended up using the balloons from my shower in the pictures too.  I really wanted to take pictures in the corn field behind my house so we did. It was a little too bright when we started. We also took my rocker out to a field. Like an idiot, I decided to wear six in wedge shoes in a field. I could barely walk. Megan had to hold me up. I also had total stump leg from being on my feet all day. I couldn't even strap up my shoes on one leg. It was ridiculous! I was so tired towards the end of the shoot. I could hardly move on but I tried not to look tired for my pictures. We ended up with take out Chinese food since we were both pooped from the day. I’m super anxious to see the pictures. I know that they are going to be fabulous! Megan is hoping to get a boost in clientele from them. She’s so talented!!! Once I get the pics I will post them. Then you all can see the full spectrum of cuteness in the nursery too!

Since we worked so hard on Saturday, we kind of lounged around for a while on Sunday. I ended up going to Joanns to get more fabric for my diaper covers. I cannot wait to get started on them. I got really productive and made 120 cookies for all of our coworkers who attended the showers. I made Jello cookies, which turned out to be cute and easy. I also got really ambitious and wrote about 35 thank you cards.

Eric has started to notice all of the dirty looks I have been getting. At our Monday night ice cream ritual more people were staring with dirty looks. People are not even ashamed to give me dirty looks and stare. Eric has started to notify me when I am getting a death glare from random people. Come on. Seriously people? Let’s get over it. Eric also had another gallstone attack that night. He went into the doctor to schedule his next procedure. It will be on the 30th and will be a little more complicated than his last surgery. They have to cut into his bile duct to get the remaining stones. He’ll have to spend the night in the hospital because the procedure carries a 10% chance of pancreatitis. Ugh. We will both be relieved to have this over with. Just in time for baby. I hope he is completely healed by time Grayson gets here. Those car seat carriers are pretty heavy.

Health wise, everything is still going well. I think the baby is starting to drop. I’m feeling more pressure on my hips and feeling it more often. I’m also starting to feel more kicks in different areas of m belly. Usually, I feel kicks under my rib cage on the right side. I’m now starting to feel them towards the middle of my belly. That little Grayson better stay upside down. We don’t want any breech babies!! I have still been going to the gym. I am progressively starting to lose more and more strength. It is incredible how much weaker I am. I’m still staying under 25lbs when I’m lifting. When I had to drop down to 25lbs it was way too easy. Now I totally struggle. I listen to my body though and don’t work out too hard. This week, a lady at the gym told me I looked good. It was nice to have a stranger actually appreciate my pregnancy instead of giving me dirty looks. I wonder how long I can keep going to the gym. That is something I am going to ask my doctor when I go in next. He knows I am going and hasn’t said anything about stopping. I guess I will just go until the end if I can.

When I passed out my thank you cards, a coworker had something nice to say. She said to enjoy these last weeks of feeling life inside myself. Birth is beautiful and that is what makes birthdays so special. (She is the birthday fairy in my department). I thought that was really nice. Pretty soon here I will be entering my last 4 weeks. One month until the due date on May 27th. I’d like to somehow celebrate my pregnancy for the last 31 days. It has been such a positive experience and I have loved it. I just need to brainstorm how to celebrate. I’m still just baffled that I have a little person inside of me. I know there is a little person inside because I have seen the pictures. I just always imagine him as a baby bump when I imagine him. I was telling Eric I feel like they are going to give me a giant baby belly wrapped in a blanket after delivery. I have grown so attached to my baby bump. Eric says I’m going to be lost without it. I really wish I could keep it forever. I’m just having a hard time connecting the two – the image of my little baby and the fact that he is in my belly. It sounds weird, I know. It is just amazing to think about. I can’t even comprehend how this whole thing works. I mean I know how it works but I’m just amazed by the whole thing. Who knows. Eric and I will just be sitting there wide eyed when we see our little Grayson.  

I think that has gotten us up to speed. No more skipping weeks on the blog.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Week 32

Major Developments: Baby should have toenails, fingernails, and real hair (if any. He better have some!!) Baby’s skin is becoming soft and smooth. Lanugo (protective hair coving baby’s body) is starting to shed.
Size of Baby: Large Jicama (Whatever that is)

Week 32 was a bit frustrating in the beginning. As most of you know, we have been struggling to name our little critter. On Thursday, we decided to set ourselves the final deadline for naming baby. We have set deadlines before but they have all been ignored in the past. I wasn’t about to let this one go by. I am getting so sick of the whole name debate! Eric and I agree on everything we just don’t know what to choose. We tried to choose something on Friday, which didn’t work. Saturday we really really tried. I was getting extremely discouraged. I felt guilty thinking that maybe I wasn’t connecting with the baby or something. I just felt bad that I couldn’t name him. Then I started thinking, am I one of those mom’s that will need to see their baby before they name it? I really didn’t want it to come down to that. Eric was convinced that we didn’t need to wait and that wasn’t our problem. So I just started feeling really bad about it. We were debating between Ollivander & Grayson but I just started wondering if maybe we couldn’t decide because there was another name out there. The thought of going back to the drawing board was more than I could handle. We ended up going to Barnes and Noble to look through book names. NOTHING stood out. We even did more research online. So Sunday rolled around and we still hadn’t decided. We told each other we were going to write down our name and show each other by the end of the day. Eric went to the movies with his pals and I stayed home to sew. I sat there for a good hour thinking about it. I wrote the names down a thousand times – first and last together, first last & middle together, nicknames and last name together, everything. That wasn’t helping. So finally I started looking at all of his ultrasound pictures. I finally came to a conclusion. To me he looked more like one name than the other. When Eric got home, he showed me his choice and luckily we agreed!!!! So….. we have finally named our baby. I’ll have an update on what our choice was after Megan gets here. We decided that since we have been so retarded about the whole naming business we may as well go out with a bang and have a “name revealing party” of sorts when Megan gets here on Monday. All of you readers must wait another few days. Hehehehe! I feel so relieved to have that decision made. It was really getting ridiculous.

Saturday, before we went to Barnes & Noble, we went to the Baby Gap just to get out of the house. They have so much cute stuff there. I felt like they had more girl stuff though. I want to get him at least one outfit from there. Maybe one for when he is older since babies grow so much in the beginning. I got a super silly hat while I was there though. I think it will be precious for the newborn pictures. I have seen so many new born pictures where the baby is wearing some sort of animal hat. This one will be perfect.

While we were at the mall, just about every person we passed felt the need to stare at me. There was even a little kid that started walking behind me mocking the way I was walking like I was a fattie. Eric turned around and asked him what the heck he was doing. Where have all the smiling strangers gone? Rude guys. I really need to get my braces off. I don’t think that helps at all. I started thinking maybe once I’m not pregnant and without braces the dirty looks will end. I doubt this. Maybe people will think the baby is my brother rather than thinking I’m a teen mom. Who knows. I took my 17 year old sister to the bank and they thought we were the same age. People are very quick to judge. Whatever. 

Sunday I got some sewing done for the nursery. I was focusing on getting all of my pillows done that day. I never get as much done as I expect to get done. I made my own pattern, which was a total mess. The measurements were off but I finally figured it out. I ended up putting a whale on the pillows. So dang cute. I was so impressed with myself. I’m going to stitch the baby’s name under the whale since I accidentally didn’t center it. Here is what it looks like for now:
Sunday I also ended up buying some of the fabric for my diapers. I cannot wait to start on them. I’ve been dreaming about it and everything. They are going to be so dang cute! Disposable diapers are seriously lacking in the cuteness department. I can probably get started on cutting out the diaper covers out. I’m going to be making 15-20 of them. They look pretty easy though. I just have to buy a little snap adding tool before I can really get started on sewing them. I’ll probably pick that up this weekend. I can’t wait, I can’t wait!

Monday I started to notice that the belly band on my favorite maternity pants is starting to get a little tighter. Baby must be growing a lot in there. Thankfully the pants still fit me everywhere else. They are my absolute favorite. I’m going to have to find a pair like them after baby comes that aren’t maternity style. Hopefully these will last me until the end. If not, I’m really going to have to get creative! I’ve only got 3 pairs of pants I can wear. The weird part about my belly getting bigger is my weight gain. I have fluctuated between 135 & 136 for the past 6 weeks. I’m supposed to be gaining a pound a week. If it is still like this by my next appointment (next week) I’m going to ask the doctor. I know the baby is growing, but why isn’t the weight going up? I keep waiting to pass the 30 lbs gained mark. I should have passed it by now. Who knows. I’m sure the doctor would have said something if they were concerned. I just think that it’s weird. It’s as if I’ve plateaued. 

Monday also marked the 1 week until Megan gets home date. Wooooo Hooo. We have so much planned for when she gets back. We have been discussing my maternity pictures a lot. We are doing them the weekend she gets back. I can’t wait!! I just hope I’m big enough. I don’t really have anything in particular that I’m looking for in my pictures, just cuteness. We are both super excited to be doing them. Next come the newborn pictures, which will be even more exciting! All we do is wait, wait, and wait. 

Monday has also become our "Ice Cream Monday" ritual. Baby loves it. There is a delicious ice cream shop that has $1 ice cream scoops. I have been getting the cotton candy ice cream because you can't get it everywhere. I love that kind. Eric thinks its for kids. On Monday I saw another adult getting a scoop of its delicious glory. Confirmation that cotton candy ice cream is not only for preggers or children. Woo.

Hormones have become a serious problem as of late. I'm a ball of fury sometimes. Tuesday I was super pissed off. Morning commutes with this preggers behind the wheel has lead to new cases of road rage. People just piss me off to no end now a days. When we finally got to the office, this lady walking out of my office just stared with wide eyes at my belly. I wanted to slap her. I couldn't help myself but to say, Yes, I'm pregnant after she walked away. My mom was with me and couldn't believe the look I was getting. She asked if I get that often and I'm like.... ummm yup. That's the new thing for strangers. At that point I was about to rip the face off of the next person that gives me a dirty look. Isn't pregnancy supposed to be looked at as a beautiful thing? Ugh. I really feel like I can't control the things that fly out of my mouth. The grumpiness is different than regular PMS, which I don't think is much of a problem for me. This type of grumpiness is controlled by some demon somewhere. I just get purely angry! And I'm a super peaceful person. Driving really pisses me off. Poor Eric. Luckily he doesn't piss me off. The funny thing is, the day I was super grumpy in the morning, I called Eric. He answers the phone saying "Oh geez, what is it now" He knew judging by the texts I was sending him I was a ticking time bomb. I was laughing so hard at how grumpy I was. He asks, "Are you laughing or crying". HAHA! Man, you know you are pregnant when your husband has to ask if you are crying or laughing.

So now that I feel like the baby is starting to drop down a little, I am noticing more bladder issues. The other night, we were watching “Worlds Dumbest” on truetv. We absolutely love that show. It’s either southern hillbillies being idiots or Russians doing something crazy and silly. Something happened on the show that literally made me pee my pants a bit. I really don’t think that would have been a problem had I not been pregnant. It made me think of a youtube video I saw a few weeks back. It’s pretty funny because it’s so true. Check it out:

The other day I had some very strange heartburn. It was around my throat rather than my chest. I have heard wives tales that heartburn is a sign of hair on your little babies head. Wouldn’t that be nice? I don’t get a lot of heartburn so I doubt that baby has any hair. I did get it twice this week though… pray for hair people! I want a baby with a fuzzy little noggin. With my luck, he won’t have any. I did not have hair for years when I was a baby. We don’t know if Eric had much at birth but know he had a little judging by one of the few baby pictures we have seen. Here’s the proof.

 Anywho. I'm still really anxious for baby to get here. Despite all of the grumpiness and dirty looks, I still love pregnancy, no matter how much I complain. I just can't wait to see my little baby.