Thursday, May 3, 2012

Week 31

Major Developments: Baby is heading towards a growth suprt and can turn its head. He has half of the weight he needs for birth
Size of baby: Four Navel Oranges

Greetings! We are inching our way towards June 27th. Eeeee!

Thursday, Eric had his gallbladder removed. Baby had hiccups on the way to the hospital. We joked that maybe he was nervous for daddy. The surgery was a quick 45 min with a 2 hour recovery. I went to McDonald's for a snack while I waited because I was starving! This little old gentleman tried to make my day by telling me that his grandma had 22 separate births. Can you imagine? All the way back then? The guy looked to be about 70 years old. So these 22 births could have been in the early 1900's when things weren't easy during childbirth. Wow! The surgery went well. Gallbladder be gone! He does have to go in for another small procedure. Apparently he has some gallstones that went outside the gallbladder that need to be removed. Fun stuff. After that he'll be all done! He's still a little sore but is starting to get back to normal activity and eating. He had his surgery at Mercy Gilbert, which is the hospital I will deliver at. That day, we felt like we were going in for the baby. Eric was carrying a bag and I was walking in all pregnant. Hehe. I told the hospital I'll see it in 9 weeks.
I took off work Thursday and Friday to take care of Eric, which was nice. We pretty much lounged around the couch since he was pretty dang sore. Friday we were watching TLC and they were having a bunch of pregnancy specials on. Most of them were on women who were having Cesarean delivery. I think if I had to have one of those I'd be so sad. Especially if it was an unplanned C Section. One of the ladies had such an emotional delivery that I just started getting emotional too. Here I am, sitting on the couch, crying over someone else's special day. I felt like a mess. haha! I just can't even imagine what that day is going to feel like when I'm the person delivering. Its going to be an emotional roller coaster. I can't wait. I hope I can maintain composure when they hand that little baby to me!

Friday I also went to visit my baby baby sister Bre at her new work. She works at a baby consignment store. They had a killer deal on a play pen that would be perfect for Grandma's house so my mom came and got it. Now baby has something to sleep in when he goes to my mom's house. I also got him this super cute outfit. I got it because Eric has picked up playing golf so I though it was priceless. Daddy's little Caddy! Maybe one day.

Saturday I got a lovely massage compliments of the doctor's office. It was just lovely. Nearly the best part of the whole thing was getting to lay on my belly for the first time in months. The massage table was a "cut out table". I was thinking that the cut outs would be just for the belly but they actually had cut outs for the girls as well. I almost peed my pants when I saw it. It was so cozy to lay on my belly. I considered folding the table up and booking it out the front door. I would love to sleep on one of those. I am a part time belly sleeper part time side sleeper. The massage was great. I know that I have back tension but I had no clue how bad it actually was. My back felt totally relieved. The problem is by the next day its back to normal. I'm just thankful that my back pain isn't bad at all. It was nice to be pampered for the afternoon.

After the massage Eric and I met up with a lady who does daycare out of her house. I was referred to her by a co-worker. She takes her little baby girl to this lady. She is right down the street from my house. It would take me a whole 3 minutes to drop our little creature off before work. The lady's name is Sandy and she was super nice. Her house was really nice and had two play rooms for the kids. She has tons of toys for the kids a little older. She also has a lot to play with outside in the backyard. Her house would be totally fun for our little boy when he gets a little older. The thing I like about her is that she has an activity planned for everyday that is educational. Like learning a letter or singing a song. She's been doing home daycare for 20 years so she really knows what she's doing. She seems very organized. She'll have separate pack and play pens for each baby so they aren't sharing germs. You know how kids are, a walking invitation for colds and such. I really like her but still will interview a few more people. It makes me feel better knowing that I know someone who currently uses her and loves her. I'm hoping to send baby to daycare after at least 2 months. I would hate to send him any earlier. 2 months sounds way too young to me but I'll have to return to work. I'm allowed 6-12 weeks off but it is unpaid. I'm hoping to take off at least 7 weeks and then have Eric take a week off the first week I go back to work so the baby will be home for at least 8 weeks. I still need to come up with a game plan with my boss but he is pretty flexible. 

After the daycare tour, I went with my mom to see my a friend who just had her baby. His name is Mason James and he is literally one of the cutest baby's ever created. I couldn't even believe it. He is only 2 weeks old and has some of the funniest facial expressions. He must have been practicing the whole time in his mama because they are really sophisticated. He even does blue steel from Zoolander. I felt like I learned so much by going over and visiting with her. She is a new mom and had so much to tell me about labor. She was also good to talk to about different things she has needed for the baby. She is breastfeeding and had lots of tips on that. I think I am going to take a class on it because I know nothing about nursing. My mom didn't nurse and neither did my grandma so I'll kind of be in the dark once the baby comes. Her labor was super easy, lucky thing. After I left her house I went home and added a good 7 things to my registry. Seeing a new mom at work really helped. I had no clue that I'd need a nursing pillow for one thing. Those dang babies are heavy. My arm was getting tired just from holding him. Usually I feel pretty panicked when holding someones baby but I felt pretty comfortable holding Mason. I was a little nervous at first but picked it up after watching the parents hold him. That sounds awful coming from someone who is about to pop a baby out. I'm so nervous they are going to put our little baby in my arms and I'm going to be like aaaah... what do I do with this thing? I hope that our baby is as cute as little Mason is. I know he will be to me but I hope that everyone else thinks he is as cute. Mason was beautiful from birth. Oh yes, I can finally post the picture of the gift I made her. The day we made the owl mobile, I made this for her. I was so proud of myself :) Eric is always giving me crap for "stealing" from pinterest. I thought this one up all on my own. I think I'll make one for myself too. Its for hanging on the door handle. 
Sunday I finally got around to doing some sewing. I made these little storage boxes that I've been dying to make. I found them on They were pretty easy to make. They are made out of cardboard and fabric. They are cheap baskets to make with left over cardboard from all of my boxes from baby crap. The only problem was they want you to sew the top piping on with a leather needle on the sewing machine. I don't care if I have a leather needle or not, I'm not putting cardboard through my nice sewing machine. I didn't realize that the pattern required this until I got to that step. So I got smart and got the hot glue gun out. I may as well have just called myself into the burn unit in advance. I burned my fingers so many times! I had 3 blisters and then burned my bump to death with the glue gun. Real smart Kayla. I'm hoping that the burn on the bump doesn't scar. The last time I got burned by a glue gun was when I was still in grade school. My cousin Matt put a hot glue gun down on my hand on accident. I still have a scar to this day. I am hoping that the oil I have been using to prevent stretch marks will help with the scaring. The oil is for scars to begin with. We'll see. Any who, the nursery is really coming together. I have misc things to sew and pillows to make. Then I've got to find a spot for all of the little things I have bought. I seriously can't wait for it to be all done.

Here is my poor bump with the boo boo.

Monday night I had my first true sleeping problems. Ever since, I have not slept well. I woke up in the middle of the night and could not go back to sleep. I was starving to death first off. Second off the baby was doing the polka in my belly! He was going absolutely crazy. I almost wanted to wake Eric up to feel. It was the most I have ever felt baby move. There was just no sleeping after that. It has happened every night since. I hope this little baby isn't going to be a night owl!!! I have now put crackers next to the bed because getting up and going to the kitchen just sucks!

Wed I went to the doctor for my follow up ultrasound. Baby passed this ultrasound again with flying colors. They weighed him in at 4lbs 10 oz. That sounds huge again! He's ranking in the 66th percentile and weighs about the same as a developing baby at 33 weeks. I have a feeling he's going to be a big boy at least to begin with. I measured at 22 cm of amniotic fluid. The upper limit of normal is 20 cm so I am inching my way towards normalcy. The doctor is no longer worried about my fluid level. I can go back to normal visits. Yay!! Healthy baby, healthy mommy. We got to see our little cutie in 4d again. He totally has Eric's nose. It looks so big on his little face. He also looks like he has chubby little cheeks. The ultrasound tech pointed out something hilarious and slightly caught a picture of it. Up near his forehead in the corner of the screen, you could see his big toe showing. He's folded up like a pretzel in there! I can't wait to see his little toes. His fingers look so developed and clear in the pictures. I feel like you can almost see fingernails but I'm sure I'm just imagining it. He has them, I just don't know if they can be seen in the ultrasound. The doctor recommended a pediatrician. He described her has the Dr Guzman (him) of the Goodman & Partridge practice. He's a gem of a doctor so she's gotta be great. Her name is Maggie. All I could think of was Rod Stewart. hehe. "Wake up Maggie I think I've got something to say to you".... yes I'm a nerd. I also had to get a shot. Boooo hoo. I hate shots. I'm like a child when it comes to needles. The shot was due to my RH- blood. Without the shot, the possibility of my blood fighting off the baby is more of a problem if I have bleeding, fall, or get in an accident. The shot also helps prevent antibodies from forming after delivery that could attack in future pregnancies. The shot is called Rhogam not to be confused with Rogain. It is made out of millions of antigens from other people. Yes, gross. They are cleaned and the made into shot form for pregnant mammas. My doctor said that a lot of the antigens are collected from people in England. So I am officially part British. If you know me well at all, you'd know I'd give my left lung to have a English accent. It was hilarious. We got our doctor talking in an English accent. He said "Its weird because Asians don't usually talk this way" (in accent of course). We almost peed! He is such a hilarious doctor. Now that I have my shot I am all fixed up. I even have a identification card to prove it.
Toes are in the top left of the below picture:

After the ultrasound I met with the cardiologist. He said the ultrasound of my heart came back fine. The only thing that he mentioned is that I have a leaky valve. He said that this is nothing to be concerned about because I am pregnant and have a much larger amount of blood flow. He said maybe just follow up on in in a few years. I knew all of those tests were just doctors being overly cautious. He said my passing out problem is probably due to a problem I have called Vasovagal. This is why he thinks I keep passing out. There is medication to regulate it but he is not recommending it at this time. If it continues after pregnancy he wants me to come in again. 

Megan, Bre, and Mom are doing a PHX shower for me. My mom made these cute invites. I can't wait for the shower. I'm also having one at work in the next couple weeks. After those, I can start my shopping spree for baby!
I have been doing a lot a research on cloth diapers lately. I had planned on doing them from the begining but have always thought about doing it through a diaper service. I have been doing so much research and watching youtube videos on mom's who do it at home. Things have progressed so much in the cloth diaper world. It is almost the same as regular diapering. I even have Eric convinced that it is just as easy as disposable diapering. I think that people have so long had a negative perception of cloth diapers that it has just stuck around. These diapers aren't your Grandma's cloth diapers of the 50's. Now-a-days you don't use pins. You don't even have to learn how to fold them because they have inserts to take care of that part. People always tell me how bad my baby is going to smell. That really is starting piss me off. There isn't anyway around a baby's stench. At least my garbage can won't smell horrible. Once the diapers are washed they will smell wonderful. Plus, you clean the diapers off in the toilet before storing them so that cuts down on the stink. I have found some patterns for sewing diaper covers (which are required). I think this is a much more economical and cuter option. I can't wait to put the baby in those cute little diapers. Disposables are so boring. I think it will be something to get used to at first but will be something that I will really enjoy. I don't think my heart could bear putting a plastic diaper in the trash. It can take 500 years for one diaper alone to decompose. That is awful. Cloth diapers for me. I must teach my baby social responsibility! Save the planet!

I think the baby is starting to drop down a little. I'm starting to feel more pressure on my hips. Luckily baby is already head down so we don't have to worry about kicks to the bladder. He really is becoming very very active so that could have been a problem. I have not felt sick all week so that is good. Things are starting to shape up medically! I'm so thankful. Hopefully it will be a smooth ride from here on out!

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