Major Developments: Eyesight continues to develop & continues to practice breathing
Size of baby: Weight of head of lettuce
I'm late again!! I'm slacking... Well I'm just tired. Next week I'll post on Wed at the real end of my pregnancy week....or try.
I'm convinced that I have reverse pregnancy symptoms. I had none in the 1st trimester other than exhaustion but now I feel awful sometimes. Very weird. I'm starting to slow down to the pace of a snail! I've noticed I have a lot less energy in general. I've also noticed that I am really slowing down at the gym. I'm only allowed to lift 25 lbs at the gym but now even that is like lifting a mountain. I am listening to my body and slowing down on most things. If I don't I end up glued to the couch like some sort of sloth.
Last Friday I had the ultrasound of my heart done that my cardiologist recommended. Let me tell you, that was just joyous. The person doing the ultrasound was a lady. You'd thing that she would be a little more sympathetic to the amount of pressure applied to "the girls". I felt as though I was being run under a cement roller! Painful! Luckily it doesn't take too long. It was interesting to watch something other than a baby on an ultrasound screen. Baby was probably jealous. "Hey man, I'm down here!" I go back in on May 2nd to get the results.
I think baby was so jealous of my other ultrasound that he was not moving, in protest, on Friday. It was really freaky. Early in the day, I think I felt little hiccups. It was like feeling a little tiny pulse in my belly. He is upside down so I could just feel a little pulse right below my belly button. After that, I didn't feel much for the rest of the day. Dr. Guzman said that if I don't feel at least 4 movements every hour to go to labor and delivery. I was seriously about to go. I guess they have to check the baby when they don't move so much. I figured I was being overly paranoid. Baby made up for all of his laziness that night. We went to in & out for dinner. We got pink lemonade. I drank about 3 cups of it. I don't drink anything with sugar in it. No soda, rarely juice, no coffee. Nothing. I'm a water girl for sure. When we got home, that baby was on pure crack. He LOVES pink lemonade. He started moving like he's never moved before. My belly looked like one constant ripple. It was insane. All of the movement was totally visible from the outside. So creepy. So note to self, do not give baby sugar!
Saturday Eric's dad moved into his apartment. I like to do a little cleaning when Eric isn't home because he has super bad alergies. I did just a little. Some vacumming and dusting. The two deadly things for Eric. That was tiring me a little so I was thinking, thank goodness I'm almost done. DEAD WRONG. A brand new 2 gallon bin of laundry detergent fell from the shelf in the laundry room. I had a small lake of soap on the floor. I wanted to jump off of a cliff. I figured I had to clean it up otherwise it would just be a total nightmare when Eric got back. I was so nervous about slipping and falling so I was being super careful. Baby did not like momma doing all of that bending over because I could have slept for a year after that clean up. Never again!!
Sunday I finally got to do some of the sewing I put off during the time that Tulio was living with us. I finally finished my curtains & changing pad. I'm so happy some of these things are finally coming together. I love these people who post sewing patterns on their blogs. They are just wonderful people! The internet is a great thing! Here's my cute bumper thanks to this wonderful blog: I changed it up a little from the original pattern.
Monday I had my follow up ultrasound to my outrageous amniotic fluid problem. Doctor Guzman just moved offices because he's got his own practice now. It is in the Rome building in Gilbert. Because he's such a snazzy pants he has the 5th floor. So we decided to park our car on the bottom of the garage and take the elevator up. Terrible idea. The elevator was out (Just our luck). We ended up having to walk up 5 floors of stairs. It doesn't sound like much, but believe me, not easy for a preggers. I was out of breath by time we got up. The new office is just as fancy as the last one. This practice really has awesome style. It was a little unorganized because they had only been open for 2 days. During my ultrasound I started to feel awful. I thought I had to be flat on my back the whole time so I was just trying to get through it. Finally I started to get so dizzy and sweaty that I had to ask about propping myself up. Apparently, I can do that so next time I'm going to have to sit up a bit. Laying flat on my back is a terrible choice. That baby is getting to big for my tiny body. Little baby Silva was so cute!!! He was making these little sucking motions with his mouth. I loved it. It was so funny to see him doing something like that. We could see it even before they started to do the 4D images. Once they did all the necessary stuff the tech started doing the fun 4D stuff. I was feeling so terrible I could hardly concentrate. We ended up stopping the ultrasound because I thought I might pass out. I was so disapointed in myself! I wanted to see my little cutie so bad! He's getting so big. From the breif time that we saw him on the 4D screen it looks like he has become more baby like. He changes everyweek. It is just amazing. I didn't get any disks of the ultrasound or pictures because their machines aren't set up. I was so mad at myself! We did get one print out but the picture isn't very clear. I'll post it anyways. My mom said he looks like he's frowning. What a little cutie. The good news that came out of this appointment is that the baby passed all of the ultrasound tests with flying colors. He is practicing breathing, swallowing, and moving enough. He got all of the points possible in the test. He needed a tiny little gold star. The doctor said that my amniotic fluid is measuring at a much smaller amount than last time, which is a really good thing. I think I'm down from 40 to about 25 or so. Who knows what is going on in there but its a marvelous it is down so much. I'm back at the high end of normal for fluid. The doctor wants me to come back in on Wed to do the tests again just to double check everything. If that all shows up normal, I will go back to routine appointments. Things are looking up in that respect, I just really wish I had more pictures!! I love to see my little creation. Maybe next week I'll have more pictures for you.
So with this pregnancy I am learning a lot of things. Things that will be super helpful for next time. Its funny the things you take for granted as a non-pregnant person.
1. Baby bumps = built in irons. I am finding that I no longer have to iron most of my work clothes. I used to iron EVERYTHING. I am finding that I put on a wrinkled shirt and it magically becomes unwrinkled. That huge bump is awesome for getting all of that out. This has helped tremendously with my laundry work. Funny little baby! Now, if I can only get him to iron out wrinkles after birth.....
2.Cleaning is EXHAUSTING. This drives me crazy. There are so many things that I like to do around the house each month that I can't do right now. Like cleaning the floorboards and doors. Cleaning those things would put me out for a whole week. I'm nervous to see what kind of craziness I get into when I start having "nesting" symptoms, or what ever its called. I might just hibernate for the next 10 weeks.
3. All things should be at hip height or higher. I just got a new laundry basket, which has worked wonders for my pregnant body. Its taller than my last one and is fabulous for when I'm hanging stuff. Anything below hip height I look at with devil eyes. Bending over is just not my thing right now. Eric has even mentioned jokingly that he sees a lot more random things on the floor. There is probably a little trail everywhere I go. I drop things a lot these days. I either look at it and think.... I'll get it later when I've dropped a few more things in its proximity or just hope that it somehow magically floats back to my hand.
4. Feet are a wonderful tool. I use my feet to pick up everything! I swear my arms have almost been rendered useless. I am really considering walking around with one of those trash picker uppers. I think I'm just going to start wearing a utility belt with a few of them attached. That would make life much easier!
I'm getting so anxious for baby to get here. I seriously just want to go on a giant shopping spree for everything we need. I guess I have to wait for my other showers to happen first. I'm getting super excited. I just don't know how I'm going to make it through the weeks that lie between today and June 27th. A former co-worker just had her baby (I think I already mentioned that) and the baby is such a cutie. I've been stalking her facebook posts looking at all the fun pictures she has been posting. She had a whole album of the days before delivery, the hospital stay, and taking baby home. I was looking through the pictures in disbelief that this was actually going to be me in a short time. So exciting and scary at the same time. Some of the pictures just melt my little heart. I can't wait for baby to finally show up! For now, this is what we have to work with. Cute, but the baby is going to be way cuter!