Major Developments: Lung muscles are maturing and head is growing to accommodate a growing & developing brain. Bones are soaking up calcium
Size of baby: Weight of butternut squash and around 15 inches
Week 29 was fun filled and busy!!!
Little baby Silva has become a little more active. He is sporadic with it though. On Thursday I had really cool movements from him though. It seriously felt like he was marching or jogging. A former co-worker & fellow preggers had her baby that day. I just explained baby’s movement as the welcome parade for her baby. He was long awaited. Thursday night we went to dinner with our friend and his parents. His mom is so sweet and got us some really adorable PJ’s for our little critter. I’m telling you this baby is going to be stocked up on clothes forever. I’m going to have to change him each time he sneezes. My sister Bre also got us some super cute baby Van’s from the baby store she works at. I can’t wait to put those tiny toes in them.
Saturday we got up early to drive to San Diego for our anniversary trip and babymoon. We had planned on taking a more extravagant babymoon but decided to do something low key. Plus we love San Diego. Eric says next year we can go to Europe. I’m going to hold him to it next time. He says it can be my reward for pregnancy and our post babymoon. I told him I need a signature in blood.
So anyways… back to San Diego. We weren’t even too far down the road and I started feeling terrible. I couldn’t breathe (nothing new) and started feeling that icky passing out feeling. I had Eric stop off at a gas station. We only made it to Maricopa for crying out loud before I’m near death in the passenger seat. I got the white vision again but this time it lasted a lot longer. I also started to get that ringing in my ears that I get before I pass out. I didn’t think I had actually passed out but Eric said I did. It was just awful. This is becoming a more frequent occurrence. I joked that I need to stop wearing my owl socks on road trips because I was wearing them when I got sick on the way home from Utah. Rude owls!! The rest of the drive went well. I always feel a lot better after I pass out. It seems like until that happens, I just continue to feel horrible. Very, very weird.
When we got to San Diego, we went to visit the USS Midway. Let me tell you, aircraft carriers are not pregnant friendly. So many ladders and doorways that you have to step up on. It wasn’t too bad but it sure beat me up. My ankles were swollen. Another thing I noticed is the dirty looks I was getting. I swear every old person I passed gave me the dirtiest look. I know I look young. I’m wearing a wedding band, so what is the problem? It was highly annoying. Young people always smile at me but old people look at me with disgust. The funny thing is, I’m probably a lot older than they were when they started having kids. I’m nearly 25 for crying out loud. Back in the day, in their generation, people were popping out kids at a lot younger age. Whatever. I don’t need approval. It’s just really annoying to see the instant judgment. Anyways…. After all of that walking around all day Baby Silva really wanted a big juicy burger. He got what he wanted. Tasssttty!
Sunday was a really nice day out. We decided to go to Cabrillo National Monument. They had such a nice beach there! Usually, when we go places like this, I like to explore and hike around a little. There were all kinds of places to hike around along this beach. It was also low tide so you could see a lot of the holes in the ocean floor. People were out inspecting them. Eric did a little hiking around while I enjoyed the scenery. Here I am sulking in my disappointment. Thanks baby!
We have realized that San Diego is such an active city, which is not very pregnant friendly. We wanted to kayak and take a bike tour in La Jolla but I couldn’t do either of those things. Next time!
Baby got to visit his first zoo on Sunday. We went to the San Diego Zoo, which I was super excited about because they have Red Pandas. Here I learned that it is every man for himself. Usually, people are really helpful and accommodating towards me because I’m preggers. At the zoo it was a totally different story. How rude! People would walk out in front of my walking path or take care of their needs before realizing that it would have been better to let me go first. I did see quite a few pregnant people there though. I thought all the walking around would scare off the pregnant women. I guess us preggers have to enjoy the cute animals too! By the end of our 4 or 5 hour stay at the zoo, we were both pooped. Luckily, no swollen ankles this day!! Yay!
Monday came oh too quickly. We decided to go to La Jolla to have breakfast and enjoy the beach before heading out to Phoenix. Let me tell you, baby Silva loves loves loves French toast! I gobbled up the hugest plate of it at a nice restaurant on the beach. The beach was super nice but I’m sure that water was freezing cold. I wish we could have come in a warmer month so we could have soaked up some rays. I would have worn my baby bump loud and proud.
Tuesday I had an ultrasound scheduled first thing in the morning. Finally the day was here. We had not had one since 22 weeks. Such a long time. Eric was having allergy problems and kept both of us up since early that morning. I just woke up in a funk. They did another 4 d ultrasound! Baby was asleep so we didn’t get very good pictures. He is healthy and weighing 3lbs and 6 oz. This puts him in the 55th percentile for his age. To me that sounds so big. Nearly 4 lbs! I feel like he has changed so much since the last time we saw him. It’s incredible. My little cutie fatty. I was comparing my baby pictures to his ultrasound and see that his nose looks a little like mine on the tip but I still think he has Eric’s nostril shape. It will be crazy to see how he really looks when he finally arrives.
In my meeting with the doctor, he let me know that I passed the glucose test. No gestational diabetes for me!! I took the test last week, which I don’t think I blogged about. I had to drink a bottle of this icky orange flavored liquid. It wasn’t that awful, but I’m not a soda drinker. I thought I was being so speedy until I saw the other pregnant people downing it in 30 seconds. It made my tummy hurt. Yuck! The doctor said that I have an abnormal amount of amniotic fluid. He said the normal range is from 11 – 30 cm. I have 40 cm. Most of the time, they don’t know why this happens. It’s called plolyhydramnios. I have to be monitored each week now, which means I get to see my little boy every week until the end of my pregnancy. I guess that is the plus side. They will give me weekly ultrasounds to monitor his movement, swallowing, and practicing breathing. Too much amniotic fluid can be bad for me and the baby. If I continue to accumulate more amniotic fluid the doctor will send me to a high risk pregnancy specialist. I really hope this thing clears its self up because I love my doctor. I don’t want someone else delivering me! I also don’t want to be changing hospitals. I love Mercy Gilbert. Doctor says this problem will increase my shortness of breath condition, which really sucks! I’m already passing out enough as is. He isn’t sure that this problem is related to my passing out problem. He is also worried that I’m going to be passing out during labor. With my luck, I will. He also mentioned, with this amniotic fluid problem, I need to rush to the hospital the minute my water breaks (if it does). No tying up any loose ends before I go into labor and delivery. They want me to do this because they won’t be sure what position the baby will be in the minute my water breaks. He has a lot more mobility in there with the excess fluid. We don’t want a breach baby! I really want to avoid having a c-section. That would really make me sad. He also said this condition will probably give me more contractions. Fantastic! He didn’t mention the B word (bed rest) but I can only imagine if they put me into a high risk pregnancy that could be a possibility. That is only an assumption though. I just don’t see how I can go another 10 weeks without creating any more amniotic fluid. I’m not a doctor so who knows. The good thing is, baby is healthy for now. I’m the only one who is going to be suffering the consequences of this thing for now. Doctor also said this is why I am getting so huge. Right now, he says I’m showing like someone who is 34 weeks along. Craziness. I’m going to be huge if this continues!!!!

All day Tuesday after my appointment I could not concentrate what so ever at work. I didn’t get a thing done. Driving home from work I could feel another emotional meltdown surfacing. I bearly made it home before I just burst into tears again. It’s like spontaneous combustion but with tears. Its insane, these dang hormones. I cannot control them. It’s different from being grumpy or sad on a regular day. Even with my hardest efforts I can’t change my mood. And when I have these emotional breakdowns I just feel so depressed. It’s really weird to me. I can’t wait until I am back to my normal hormone-problem-free person. Eric was a cutie and brought me flowers to try to cheer me up. Most days I am such a happy camper, but once that switch flips it’s a whole different story. I mean the things that upset me are things that would probably upset me un-pregnant but the emotions just go crazy. Strangest thing ever. Luckily this only happens once in a while. Usually, it’s comedic afterwards but Tuesday was just way too overwhelming.
Other than that baby and momma are still happy healthy things. I have the world’s itchiest belly, but that just comes with the territory. Wed I had a really strange dent in my belly. I guess my fat belly was resting on my desk because it literally left the shape of the desk on my belly for a good 15 min. It as like one of those dull needle molds you put your hand into and it leaves an impression. I tried to capture it in a picture to share but it didn’t really work out. Plus it looked pretty nasty. Over the weekend, I thought I might have felt a hiccup. I’m not really too sure though. I have been reading that hiccups will feel like a constant pulse like a heartbeat. I felt something similar to that description but I’m not 100% sure. With all of my excess fluid, the doctor doesn’t think I feel as much movement and hiccups as a regular person. I have to pay attention a lot harder to his movements than the average knocked up person.
Baby is also starting to let me have more sweets now. In the beginning of pregnancy I was avoiding them like the plague because it made me sick. Suddenly, baby has lifted the sweets ban. We had desert every day this weekend, went out for ice cream on Monday, and have picked up some cookies for home. I haven’t had cravings much. I have a theory on cravings, and it goes along with most of the things I’ve read on the topic. My theory is cravings happen when you are deficient in something in your diet. I think I have had a really balanced diet and haven’t had problems with the cravigns. I know this is true for that Pica problem (where you crave inedible things like dirt and chalk) so it must be true for all other cravings. I know you other mom’s out there are probably disagreeing. I just feel like sometimes if I’m craving desert, I’m craving it because I’m being a fatty, not because of my baby – plus my appetite is pretty huge these days. Although I do think he isn’t objecting to my indulgence. Who knows. Maybe I’m just lucky??
Lastly, we might be coming closer on names. We added the name Ollivander to our list. Now it is between Milosh, Grayson, and Ollivander. I read an article about Grayson being a super popular name this year which really discouraged me. We are still thinking. I felt like we had gone backwards after reading that article but am feeling a little better about the name situation. We just need to pick. We are thinking way too hard about this!! Torture!
Wow… I have really gone on for a long time this week…. I think that’s it for now!
Wow, what an eventful week 29! "Babymoon" cute! You are the cutest pregnant person I know :-) Your hormonal breakdowns sound so frustrating and sad...I can only imagine what that would be like..xoxo
ReplyDeleteThe 4D ultrasound pictures are really really cool! It's amazing they can do that. I hope that the next part of your pregnancy goes ok with that extra fluid...I'm thinking of u, Kayla!