Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Week 27

Major Developments: baby silva is waking & sleeping at regular intervals, opening his eyes, and possibly sucking on his fingers (I hope not!) Lungs are developed enough to survive birth. Baby can start to hiccup (I haven't felt this yet)
Size of baby: Weight of head of cauliflower and about 14.5 inches

Week 27 was spent in preparation for the Arrival of Grandpa Silva. Eric's dad moved from Miami to Phoenix this week. We spent the weekend working on the house and nursery. I didn't accomplish as much as I wanted to. I made the footstool, which I love!! It was super easy. I used this pattern on better homes and garden: The most time consuming part of the whole thing was stitching the top closed. Here's a crappy picture of the finished project. I always seem to take pictures at night when the lighting is terrible.
I also worked on lengthening my drapes. You can see a little bit of one panel in the above picture. I have one to finish still. Its taking me forever because I am going off of my own measurements. Trial and error style. Ugh. They look really nice lengthened but man its a pain. Eric hung some of the stuff I got while shopping with Megan and put together the side table you see above. The room is really starting to come together. 

Monday I had another dizzy spell. Driving to work I felt really out of breath. I have been feeling that a lot lately. The other day I told Eric you know you are pregnant when you get out of breath putting on lotion. I get out of breath brushing my teeth. The other week I had to sit down while flossing my teeth. Its pretty ridiculous. Anyways. So about 15 min into work I start to feel really short of breath and super dizzy. I thought maybe I'd throw up. I passed my mom in the hall on the way to the bathroom looking like a zombie. When I made it back to my desk I got that sweaty, room spinning feeling. I called Eric to tell him I felt like death. Next thing I know, my phone is dangling off the hook, my cell phone is on the floor, and I'm  laying hunched over in my chair. I must have passed out because I was so confused. I thought Eric had been hanging on the line for who knows how long. He said the phone had only been dropped a few seconds but it felt like years. I told my mom I'm just going to start drawing X's over my eyes. Can you imagine someone coming to my desk for something and I'm all passed out??? Oh man. That would be embarrassing. My doctor had me come into the office. They are going to send me to a cardiologist to check everything out. I'm sure I'm fine. They said there are so many blood pressure fluctuations in a pregnant body I could just be reacting. Either way its not fun. At least I'll have a few funny stories for later. The next day Eric would not let me do anything around the house. I was restricted to the couch. It was really sweet of him but I felt so helpless. I think I would seriously lose my mind on bed rest. 

We are still struggling with choosing a name. We have 2 names we really love. Grayson Yorke Silva and Milosh Yorke Silva. We just can't choose one. Wouldn't it be easy if it was twins? We wouldn't have to choose one or the other. I think Eric likes Milosh more but we are worried people will have pronunciation problems. Its said like mee-losh. Its one of our favorites for sure. Grayson is up there too, I'm just worried it might get popular. We want to name our child something unique but not something ridiculously crazy. I would really like to make a decision so I can have an answer for people when they ask. I am asked the name question at least 3 times a day. Who knows. One day we will get off the indecisive wagon and pick. I'm just happy we are sure it will be one of those two names. Wish us luck with that.

Baby is happy, Momma is happy! He's growing away. Getting so dang big. I hit the 130 lb mark. I'm not sure if I had mentioned that. Baby better slow down or Mamma is going to tip over. I can't wait until he's here. We are getting really anxious for our ultrasound on the 17th. Ugh. It seems so far away. Baby is making a lot more movement now. I see almost every single kick on the outside. On the inside it feels like someone is dragging a little marble across my skin. He's making more actual movement gestures rather than just kicks now. Its really cool. Tonight Eric and I just watched him move around. We put on a couple Radiohead songs to see if he would react. One song made him dance around a little, then I think he got tired. We've been playing the two same songs. I wonder if he will recognize them when he comes out. Lotus Flower & Myxomatosis. It would be cool if he recognized the songs. Maybe it will soothe him when he's crying and naughty at night.

Next week I should have a little more of an update on my health. For now we'll just relax and hang out with Tulio (Eric's Dad). Goodnight all!!

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