Friday, April 13, 2012

Week 28

Major Developments: Baby can blink eyes & have eyelashes. Baby is sleeping in 20-30 minute intervals. Grooves are forming on the brain.
Size of baby: Weight of Chinese cabbage (around 2.25 lbs and around 15 inches long)

I have now been welcomed into the 3rd Trimester club. Can you believe it? I is going by so fast, yet so slow at the same time.

My hormones are on serious over drive lately. On Friday I had an emotional breakdown. What a mess! We woke up bright and early to do the glucose test at the lab. After waiting for a while to be called back Eric said he would not be able to wait for the whole hour. A little demon rose inside of me. It was like something had taken over my body and I no longer had any say in my mood. So we left for work. On the way there, people are taking their sweet time down the freeway. I just wanted to get out of the dang car. Eric says to me, "Are you in a rush?" That was like the breaking point. I started thinking about going to work which started the water works. Pretty soon, Eric notices the little tiny tears building up in my eyes and asks why are you crying. That broke the dam. I started sobbing like someone in the family had died saying "I just want to go back to bed". Thinking of going to work and going through the whole day just devastated me. (And I really like my job, so it wasn't that). I wanted to turn that dang car back around and literally sleep the day away because I did not want to go through with the day. The whole way from Gilbert to Tempe I cried big big big big tears. I couldn't control myself. I can just imagine Eric was thinking.....ok.....what is going on. He even asked "Are you crying because we didn't get your blood work done". Nothing is rational when you are pregnant. Maybe he didn't grasp that until that day... I haven't had many breakdowns this far. We get off the on ramp for work (mind you, I'm driving) and I turn to Eric and say "Look at my face!!" It was all puffy, red, and make up everywhere. He says, "Well, you have been crying the whole way to work." That made me cry even more and I pathetically say, Why are you so grumpy with me!!! The waterworks didn't stop there. I had to sit in the parking lot of work for a good 10 minutes before I could gain control of myself. Then I had to sit in the bathroom at work to cool down and re apply my makeup. I still went back to my desk with the sniffles. I was just in a funk the whole rest of the day. Over nothing really. They aren't kidding about these pregnancy hormones. Then we find out our friends are going out after work to celebrate an engagement and contract on a house. That did nothing to brighten my spirits. Eventually I felt a little better. It’s funny looking back but man! I was miserable. I just thought I'd share my pathetic little story!

Saturday, I went shopping for an anniversary gift for Eric. That wore more right out and I only went to a few stores. Craziness. We had Cuban food that night with his dad. Baby sure loves his plantains!

I also did some fun egg coloring at my parent’s house. There were about 3 eggs made for the baby. Cute!! I look like have swallowed a big giant egg. This will be our last Easter without a baby around. Next year I'll get to make my own little Easter basket for little baby Silva. He'll almost be a year old then. OMG! Too bad he'll be too little to paint his own eggs. That would be fun!

Sunday we had dinner at my parents for Easter. We brought Tuilio, Eric’s dad, with us. My dad and his dad are becoming little pals. There were chatting it up the whole day. Funny Stuff.
Sunday night I also attempted to paint my toes. Man, that is extremely hard these days. I mean I have a hard enough time shaving my legs! Painting the toes was a major challenge. I almost busted the tiny little things off trying to maneuver around my belly. It’s too bad my sister Bre is such a germaphob. I asked her a while ago if I got to fat if she'd paint my toes. No dice. Let’s hope this paint job lasts until the end of June. I doubt that. 

Tuesday, I went to the Cardiologist about my passing out. They asked me a trillion questions and took a san of my heart activity with those stickers and wires you see on TV and stuff. That was something new for me. The doc says that my heart is normal but I have some strange problem with my blood pressure dropping whenever it feels like it. The doctor said this is probably what was happening to me back in high school when I was passing out left and right. There is medication for it, but I can't take it while I'm carrying around little mister Silva. If it continues after pregnancy, then they might put me on it. They also have me scheduled for an ultrasound of my heart next week.

Tuesday was also our 2 year wedding anniversary. It seems like it has been longer than 2 years, in my mind. We went out for a delicious dinner at La Bocca and then had desert next door at this new ice cream sandwich place. It was glorious. You get to pick out 2 cookies and then they give you a huge scoop of ice cream in the middle and call it an ice cream sandwich. Mmmmmmm. Baby loves ice cream sandwiches J

My health has been pretty good this past week. No passing out, thank goodness. I am still having the shortness of breath problem. Something new this week is these jabbing pains I’m getting right under the middle of my ribs. It is almost like little baby Silva is in there with a knife jabbing me when he’s feeling mischievous. My skin is also sore to the touch there. Very strange. I’m also finding that I need to sleep with a pillow propped under my belly because it is starting to get to heavy for me. If I don’t I wake up with a back ache. We have an ultrasound scheduled for the 17th which I am anxiously awaiting! I’ll have more pictures of our little guy next week!

My pregnancy was going by so fast at first, but now it seems the hands of time have come to a halt. I am not really miserable or anything, but I want to get the ball rolling already. Eric and I are very anxious for our little boy to finally be here. I have been super fortunate throughout this whole pregnancy. No problems too serious and no stretch marks yet (knock on wood). I’m just getting really really anxious to finish up the nursery and to put my tiny little creation in his bed. We can’t wait to see his little face.

1 comment:

  1. I was peeing my pants about your crying story. Totally something that is going to happen to me, all the time. Zach will be miserable.
